Architecture Design Training in Abuja Nigeria

The world has gone digital, are you ready? Get practical hands-on Architecture Design training in Abuja Nigeria for the future at Abuja Computer Training School

Choose any of our Civil, architectural and Structural Engineering Software such as:

Register today and benefit from our practical hands on training from our professionals who are using these software in the field with so many years of experience

AutoCAD 2D for

It is a software program that architects use to create technical drawings and plans for buildings.

AutoCAD 2D/3D for

For Drafting, annotation and 3D modeling of
architecture designs

Machine Drawing using
AutoCAD 2D/3D

For complete machine drawing details with 3D

AutoCAD Civil 3D

For geometric design of road infrastructure

Revit Architecture

For architectural design and 3D rendering

Prota Structure

For Structural analysis & design of RC & Steel structures.

Revit Architecture +Enscape

For architectural design and 3D modeling with high
quality external rendering and video. Enscape™ is a real-time rendering and virtual reality plugin for Autodesk® Revit®. It’s the only real-time rendering solution that plugs directly into your modeling software.

Prota Structure +Structural detailing using AutoCAD

For Structural analysis and RC and Steel structures
with complete RC detail drawings in AutoCAD

Structural Detailing using
AutoCAD 2D

For Complete RC and Steel structural detail drawings
and arrangement. It is the process of creating detailed drawings and specifications for the fabrication and installation of structural components.

Staad Pro

For Structural analysis and design of RC and Steel


For Structural analysis and design of RC and Steel

SAP 2000

For Structural analysis and design of RC and Steel

This Architecture design training in Abuja Nigeria is a practical hands on training which is meant for architects and those who would want to go into architectural design using architectural software

This Architectural design training in Abuja Nigeria prepares students to use engineering technology and architecture skills to create buildings, interior designs, or landscape plans.

Our Architectural Design training in Abuja Nigeria covers the basic theories, strategies, and concepts of form, shape, symmetry, and patterns in the physical world and how to translate them onto paper.

Students learn to combine design with aesthetics and weigh those considerations against time, quality, and cost.

Architecture is the process of planning, designing and constructing buildings. The architect determines the lifespan of the structure. Architecture is the civilization of past, present and future lifestyle. It is the living story of how societal values are reflected and effected by the built in environment.

Architecture is the combination of art and engineering in the design of a building. The beauty of architecture is the value it adds to structures and how durable they last. The aesthetics and utility by the architecture of a structure determines its worth.

Do you want where you can learn architectural software training. Our practical hands-on architecture design training in Abuja Nigeria gives you all you need to kick start and boost your skills in architectural engineering journey.

Enhance your skill set and boost your hirability through innovative, independent learning.

This Architectural design training in Abuja Nigeria introduces the essential concepts of architectural software.

An architectural software is an abstract view of a software system distinct from the details of implementation, algorithms, and data representation.

Architecture is, increasingly, a crucial part of a software organization’s business strategy. Properly designed architectural software can

support engineering control over critical system quality attributes

provide flexibility and adaptability in changing markets

enhance interoperability with other systems in a software ecosystem

help developers focus on a niche in the marketplace

help reduce lifetime maintenance costs and amortize development costs

assist in coherent and efficient workforce organization

enhance project planning, oversight and control

establish a common corporate vocabulary

shorten learning time

be used as a sales and marketing tool

Why Take Architecture Design Training in Abuja Nigeria?

This Architecture design training in Abuja Nigeria will equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary to accomplish the following objectives:

Express the analysis and design of an application using UML

Specify functional semantics of an application using OCL

Specify and evaluate software architectures

Select and use appropriate architectural styles

Understand and apply object-oriented design techniques

Select and use appropriate software design patterns

Understand and perform a design review

Benefits of enrolling in this Architecture design training in Abuja Nigeria

A Computer-Aided Design for Architectural Design course demonstrates practical and effective methods for using CAD programs to draft architectural designs, plans, and blueprints for buildings, roads, bridges, and other structures. It presents both 2- and 3-dimensional object modeling, layering, editing, auxiliary views, and rendering techniques.

During this Architecture design training in Abuja Nigeria, students will learn the fundamentals of drafting, from techniques for using equipment to vocabulary, lettering, and symbols. Students will also focus on plan construction, with special attention to correct line weight and scale.

The Human-Environment Interaction course explores human behavior as it relates to architectural environments. Students learn how different factors affect how humans respond to different environments and they apply their knowledge to architectural design problems.

A Historic Preservation course lets students learn about historical buildings and the importance of preservation. They also learn how aging structures can be remodeled without damaging their historical qualities.

Architectural designers create functional and practical spaces in urban and rural settings using many different materials.

Modern architecture demands in-depth knowledge in mathematics, engineering, arts, science, and technology for designers to understand how structures work, the characteristics of materials and forms, and so on.

The success of an architectural design is gauged from a building’s beauty, firmness, and utility.

Architectural design involves the following core activities: sketching freehand or creating a preliminary design, schematic designing of laying out mechanical, electrical, plumbing, structural, and architectural details, creating construction documents etc.

Role in Industries:

Architectural designers use CAD to compile layouts, design conceptual elements, components, and systems like windows, doors, interior partitions, floor finishes, and complete entire design drawings. CAD software allows designers to work on complex engineering details and analyze the proposed structure’s tolerances and weaknesses.

Building Information Modeling (BIM), a recent generation of CAD software, enables architects to model an intelligent 3D model-based process that equips architecture, engineering, and construction professionals with the insight and tools to more efficiently plan, design, construct and manage buildings and infrastructure.

Employment opportunities for those enrolled in Architecture Design training in Abuja Nigeria:

Architectural designers are mostly employed in firms that offer architectural, engineering, and related services industries.

Get the training you need to stay ahead with expert-led courses on Architectural Design.