About Us
Abuja Computer Training School is owned by Bizmarrow Technologies Limited.
BiZmarrow Technologies is an ICT and computer training institute located at Gwarinpa Abuja Nigeria.
Our Practical one-on-one personalized training has set us as one of the best Computer training institutes in Abuja Nigeria.

BiZmarrow Technologies is an ICT and computer training institute located at Gwarinpa Abuja Nigeria
Why choose biZmarrow Technologies for your ICT training
Realtime Training…
Personalized and hands-on with over 10 years of experience in ICT and Computer training
With our one and one practical training, every student must learn and practice before graduation.
Learning is Each Individual Job – And He Can Only Do That Job If He Can Tie What He Learns To His Context of Background Knowledge, Skills and Interests –
At biZmarrow Technologies, the student’s choice to learn is central to our approach: real personalized practical learning (as against just memorizing, going through training slides or talking to the whole class of students without finding out the challenge each student is facing)
To engage the student’s interest, we take his full context into account: his background knowledge, his skill level, his values and his interests.
We strongly believe that anybody can learn and acquire a new skill if attention is given to their personal challenges –schooling, and learning should not be a competition,
We are proud to say that we came into ICT and Computer Training in Abuja Nigeria to make a difference by tailoring each training to the student’s needs

Our Story
In the year 2010, One of the founders of BiZmarrow Technologies registered for Project Management training in one of the then“best” and well-known training centers in Abuja Nigeria. They were between 10 to 20 students in that class.
To his greatest shock, the trainer was reading from the projector instead of going practical with real life examples.
To make the matter worse, some “I too Know” students in that class were always in a hurry to show they understood what the trainer was saying, this always prompted the trainer to move to the next topic without minding whether the rest of the students understood it or not.
Even when some of the students in that class mustered up the courage to ask questions, the questions were always swept under the carpet—It was discouraging, there was no personal touch, no practical real-life training.
He abandoned the training and the money paid became a waste. He searched for an organized training center where He could get practical one-on-one training and it was nowhere to be found.
He got individuals who claimed to know what He wanted, it was a disaster, even those that know it could not make out time to teach Him, it was hit and miss.
He decided to team up with a group of talented young ICT and Computer Gurus to set up a training center that would give students one on one practical training, where each student’s need would be taken care of.
A training center that engages the students’ interests, takes his full context into account: his background knowledge, his skill level, his values, and interests.